BTicino Factory Signage Redesign
Complete redesign of Bticino factory signage, through a new process of communication, with new colors, shapes, and concept. Made with my agency
When BTicino asked to my studio it was a great surprise for us.
We had to start from a really complex situation who belongs to many years of different signage design who were all together in the same area, creating a lot of confusion.
Trying to make it concrete and logical was the first goal to achieve, I started from the use of colours and font going through a clear way of communicate what has to be said.
I was looking at Piet Mondrian colour palette and to his way of looking at colours and composition.
It was perfect in my opinion, and it was the perfect starting point for the right guideline in the process of renewing the signage communication.
The black lines and the primary colour palette were the main things I took from the artist and I declined them on the panels, on the floating signals and on the small signage.
Dividing the areas with the main colours, and surrounding them with a strong black line.
I designed the real shape of the panels, how they were supposed to work, and the typology.
There are four main type of panels, one made in iron with a cover made in Plexiglass, one with holes to attach different materials, one put on the roof and a thin one that is supposed to be placed nearby the machines to show the area.
Another zone of interests are a small showroom of what is produce inside the factory with a glass case who shows the product still.
On factory wall there are some trees and human silhouettes painted with acrylic, to try to make the work's feeling a bit more human, joyfull and colourfull.
On the roof, there is a a panel profile who contains the area signage, some adv of the product produced in this area, and the main colour of this area. In that way you'll have a double view of the area one from the ground and one far away of the roof, giving to the observer a complete orientation of where he can find himself in any moment.
This work started to be declined on the Varese factory as it will go through all the BTicino factories around Italy this year.